Surmount - определение. Что такое Surmount
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Что (кто) такое Surmount - определение

(surmounts, surmounting, surmounted)
If you surmount a problem or difficulty, you deal successfully with it.
I realized I had to surmount the language barrier.
= overcome
v. a.
Rise above, overtop, tower above.
Overcome, conquer, subdue, overpower, vanquish, master, triumph over, rise above, get the better of.
Surpass, exceed, go beyond, pass, transcend.
·vi To Surpass; to Exceed.
II. Surmount ·vi To rise above; to be higher than; to Overtop.
III. Surmount ·vi To Conquer; to Overcome; as, to surmount difficulties or obstacles.
Примеры произношения для Surmount
1. each have to surmount.
Superintelligence _ Nick Bostrom _ Talks at Google
2. together, can surmount seemingly intractable difficulties.
Star Trek and The Science of Optimism _ Nicholas Meyer _ Talks at Google
3. One way to surmount this particular constraint
Harness the Sun _ Philip Warburg _ Talks at Google
4. and being a human that can surmount
Zara Mirmalek _ Making Time on Mars - How NASA Works Across Worlds _ Talks at Google
5. is surmount one of the weaknesses of solar power,
Harness the Sun _ Philip Warburg _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Surmount
1. Afghanistan has struggled to surmount decades of war and poverty.
2. She still has obstacles to surmount before winning her party‘s nomination.
3. His wife said her illness was a hurdle they would surmount together.
4. Path is difficult but we are determined to surmount the difficulties, the President emphasised.
5. If enough men could surmount Hangman‘s Hill, the monastery could be taken.